Free Press Release

To be able to write a good release, the first thing to do is to think and act like a journalist. Here are things to remember:

Think of something that the most interesting and important to the community (see news value in news writing material), and make it as an angle to the news release will be made.
Use a journalistic style short, solid, straightforward and complete. Enter all the elements of "W" in the first sentence or paragraph: Who? What? Why? When? and Where?.

Convey essential information in the first paragraph and use the next paragraph for more in-depth information. The paragraph should provide the sequence information.
Avoid the use of direct quotations in the paragraph (this should be used to deliver the headline), after the first paragraph, the use of quotations can be responsible for making press releases more interesting and weight.

Print head release the letter. An interesting paper or a logo can help you to release more interesting / striking journalists at the receiving desk. If needed, use the email facility, or a copy of your release to journalists on the disc do not have tire-tired to write back.
Do not hesitate to emphasize the aspects of a controversial which campaigned.

Include a phone number, and names can be contacted at the press release. Make sure the person whose number is listed on the release of people who are always ready to answer the question (quite mastered the issues) and ready to be contacted.
Use facts and figures as needed. This makes the news more solid and very helpful in writing news reporters.

Sublit your press release into Free Press Release.


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