Impressions Ideological

In contrast, the new parties to grow in line with the reform movement was not dominant, both in the number of votes and won territories. Among the 45 new parties of the total 48 parties, only three parties are able to achieve victory on the basis of region, namely the National Awakening Party (PKB), National Mandate Party (PAN), and the Crescent Star Party (PBB). In this election too, the emergence of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P) to be phenomenal because it could exceed the margin of votes far enough with its nearest competitor (Golkar Party) and three times the number of votes the third largest party. Any territory under their control dominant, 53 percent or 166 districts / cities.

However, the determination of regional PDI-P did not last more than five years because of Election 2004 next shock. Vote for the party attached to the figure of the late daughter of former President Sukarno was down drastically, lived half (18.5 percent). Areas that had shrunk didominasinya, 20.2 percent lived from 440 districts / cities.

Conversely, deterioration of Golkar could be restored quickly. Although nationally the Golkar vote actually fell from 22.4 percent in 1999 to 21.6 percent in 2004, ranked number one and the distribution of territory capable of winning even more. In the last election, the party was capable of bearing banyan increase mastery of territory to be 61.6 percent or 271 districts / cities.

Mastery of territory by the Golkar Party in the elections occurred in 2004 many areas of expansion. Of 143 areas divided between the years 1999-2004, 72 percent or 103 area division was won by Golkar Party in Election 2004. PDI-P won only 12.6 percent of the expansion, the remaining contested by other parties.

Election 2004 was also marked by the phenomenon of the emergence of two new party strength, the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) and the Democratic Party, which surpasses the sound Raihan PAN. The presence of two parties that this rapidly growing new trail marking the national political map.

Impressions ideological

However, there is-the sinking of the party strength in the region membekaskan trail ever mastered. In Java, changes in the composition of the nationalist-religious tend to be dynamic. While outside Java, the penetration of the New Order power to change the political map became more permanent. Nationalist political colors still thick outside Java, although the New Order power collapsed.

Most of the areas on the island of Sumatra, such as South Sumatra, Riau, Jambi, Bengkulu, Lampung, and North Sumatra, has changed color. This region tends to be the basis of nationalist parties. In almost every area of Borneo has also changed the basis of mass nationalist party. Nationalist forces had penetrated into the territory of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Region? Green? that 67 percent of his voice dominated by Islamic parties in the 1955 election was to be relatively permanent with the color? yellow? Golkar since the 1971-2004 elections. In South Sulawesi, 69 percent of the territory controlled by the party? Green? in 1955 has turned 180 degrees to be very nationalistic.

Nevertheless, there remain pockets of territory (enclave) which has a strong character. Some areas left by Masyumi, for example, still has a characteristic as the basis of the Islamic masses when election held freely again. Jakarta, East Java, West Sumatra, Riau, Aceh and South Kalimantan tend to have a political balance-nationalist flow more stable.

Since 1999, the most dominant shift in the control region occurred only between the two major parties only, Golkar and PDI-P. Although several new parties, such as MCC, to capture a few areas, and PKB into force in East Java, his command is still berkecakupan narrow.

Shifts in a wide range of areas between the PDI-P and the Golkar Party which reflect the pull force, so far, the most impact. In urban areas, for example, the 1999 elections the PDI-P won victories in 50 of the 69 cities in Indonesia, but later retaken by the Golkar Party in Election 2004. In the last election, the Golkar Party won 50 of the 99 cities and the PDI-P is only 18 cities.


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