The Position of Civil Servants

GOVERNMENT PNS signal settings that are not neutral or sided with any one candidate head regions will be dealt sternly. It created a sense of skepticism, pessimism, because the implementation stage is very difficult. Warning to stay alert, keep moving violation.

That is the condition of our culture-the culture, the instruments are made to solve virtually every aspect, arguably even excessive. At the implementation stage of the available instruments, a "toothless tiger" face reality on the ground.

In Indonesia, the position of civil servants is still considered quite respectable and calculated, even the public interest to become civil servants are still high. The position of civil servants in the election conducted directly placing civil servants in the strategic realm, the seizure of the regional head candidates. They believe, a civil servant can attract 5 to 10 people can be even better.

Neutrality of civil servants in the election can be viewed from two aspects. First, civil servants, who nominate themselves or be nominated as a candidate for the head region. Second, civil servants who are involved either as involved or involved.

For civil servants who run away or nominated as a candidate head of the region, if we look at the device laws and regulations of Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government with its implementation guidance, namely Government Regulation No. 6 Year 2005 on the Election, Approval, Appointment, and Dismissal of Regional Head and Deputy Head of Regional and technical guidance, the Head of Civil Service Regulation State (BKN) of the Candidate Being civil servants Regional Head / Deputy Head of Region, is inconsistent. Even conflicting.


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